FALL 2001 SCHEDULES | ||||
In- House Titusville Soccer Club Recreational League Redone on 9/17 with rained out games from Sept 15 moved to Oct 6 - Times and fields remain the same - only the date changed |
Below are In-House Rec schedules listed by Team: | ||||
Below are In-House Rec schedules listed by Date: | ||||
TSC Traveling Team
Schedules are on
The postings below are by TEAM NUMBER (ie TSCXXX) - click on team number to find out your team number
I recommend that if you are not familiar with SCORELINE - Go there and familiarize yourself with how it works. You can enter game results on SCORELINE. If the teams in the league regularly update the game results -SCORELINE will automatically keep a league standings. MAPs will be posted on SCORELINE to fields. I recommend that each team assigns someone as their "Scoreline Reporter".
Titusville Soccer Club Field Usage |
Master In-House Rec Schedule | BYSL - DAP3 | BYSL - DAP4 | BYSL - DAP5 | BYSL - DAP8 |
How to reschedule a game at Titusville Soccer Club
Titusville Sunset and Sunrise times (PDF file) Fall Season 2001
Titusville Sunset and Sunrise times (PDF file) - 2002
Round Robin Schedule Aid Tool for 4, 6, 8, 10 teams